Blessed Beginnings Preschool
“Excellence in early childhood education from a Christian perspective.”

A ministry of the Christian Church of Anthony
Classes for 2 1/2-5 year olds
Director/Lead Teacher: Shelly Koehn
(620) 842-3022
Class Information
3 -4year old class:
Tuesday and Thursday
4-5 year old class:
Tuesday -Thursday, or Monday-Thursday
Students attending kindergarten the next year usually attend Monday-Thursday.
Tuition & Fees
4-5 year old class:Â $125 per month for T-Th, $165 per month for M-Th
3-4 year old class:Â $100 per month for Tues. and Thurs.
Bussing is available to those living in the Anthony City Limits. Bussing is optional.
Bussing fees:Â $20 per month for 2 1/2-4 year old class & $25 for T-Th & $30 per month for M-Th
Our mission is to ensure that ANYONE that wants to attend Blessed Beginnings Preschool can attend. Our preschool is a non-profit preschool. Through a series of fundraisers each year, and other programs, we are able to provide a wonderful education for families in our community.
Governing Authority
Blessed Beginnings Preschool is a ministry of the Christian Church of Anthony (a non-denominational church) and governed by the Church Board of Elders, Deacons, and Deaconesses. The preschool board consists of members of The Anthony Christian Church.
Curriculum Goals
Upon finishing two years at Blessed Beginnings, we expect your children to know the following:
To know God is the Creator of all things
To know the Bible is God’s Word
To know Jesus is God’s Son
To know that daily prayer is important communication with God
To teach godly character through stories, experiences and daily life situations
To gain an understanding of the world around them
To interact with peers in a positive way
To cooperate in classroom routines
To develop self-help skills
To help the parent and child separate easily
Fine Motor
To develop and strengthen hand-eye coordination
To be able to manipulate a variety of writing and paint tools
To strengthen scissors skills
To be able to stack 10 small blocks vertically
To write their name using correct upper and lower case letters
Gross Motor
To be able to throw, catch, and bounce a large ball
To be able to balance on one foot
To be able to climb and descend stairs with alternating feet
To be able to skip
To be exposed to a variety of literature
To model written language through journaling
To develop comprehension skills
To recognize rhyming words
To recognize upper and lower case alphabet
To recognize letter sounds
To recognize shapes
To develop sorting, matching and graphing skills
To be able to identify existing patterns, copy patterns and create new patterns
To be able to count to 30
To recognize numbers 1-10
To begin simple addition with manipulatives
To gain an understanding of God’s Creation
To gain an understanding of cause and effect
To have numerous “hands on” opportunities
To recognize colors
To expose children to a variety of media
To encourage creativity through a variety of open-ended art activities
To experience cause and effect through various art activities
To expose children to different styles of music
To foster listening skills and promote sound awareness
To encourage enjoyment of and creativity through music
Mission Statement
To provide a loving Christian environment for preschool age children where every child is encouraged to grow both intellectually and spiritually.
Our purpose is to provide a safe environment that allows young children to explore the world around them, learn through play, and gain a biblical understanding of Godly values
Early Childhood is an exciting and important time of life. With the exception of infancy, there is no other time in human life when so much is learned in so brief a time. Our view of early childhood is a time of discovering, experiencing, exploring and “hand’s on” learning is best described through our curricular goals.
While the teacher brings to the classroom his/her own style and personality, three important goals are consistent through the following:
Christ-centered: Not only do we teach the Bible and Biblical concepts but we also strive to integrate the love of God (John 3:16) throughout the program. Often spontaneous events provide the best setting for sharing with a young child about Jesus. Children are taught that they are special and unique, made by God (Colossians 1:16) for a special purpose, and that God desires to have fellowship with them personally through prayer and learning about His Word..
Developmentally Appropriate: This means that staff are trained and expected to provide activities that take into account how young children develop and learn. (II Timothy 2:15) Young children neither think nor learn like adults; they are concrete thinkers who learn by hands-on experiences. Therefore, they must be allowed to move around freely and explore in order for maximum learning to take place. In addition, language and pre-reading skills develop best when children are encouraged and challenged to express themselves verbally. The development of reasoning skills is much more desirable than that of rote memorization. We strive for an environment where natural curiosity and creativity flourish. In summary, childhood is viewed as a time to be relished rather than hurried through. We hope your child leaves this place believing that learning is fun!
Well-rounded: We believe that a superior program for young children views them as “whole persons”. We understand that they have emotional, physical, spiritual, social, creative, and cognitive needs that are integrally related. We therefore approach early childhood education with a necessity for addressing all aspects of the child’s “self”. Curriculum plans for each child will include activities to enhance his/her development in math, science, creative arts, language arts, social studies, movement, Bible, and music.